Little Women; Holiday Movie Lessons

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What qualifies as a holiday movie for me?  Simple - it must have at least one scene with a Christmas tree and snow!  I had never seen the movie Little Women even though I had read the book several times, but several friends said that it must be added to my holiday movie collection. So, it became the movie I watched on Day 1!

When I read this book in elementary school, Jo was my favorite character and I thought that I was just like her!  50 years later I still love Jo best and I like to think I possess some of her passion and drive. Here's what I was reminded of as I watched Little Women:

1. Kids may have the same parents and be nothing alike for each of us are truly unique. These 4 girls were incredibly different, and they all had gifts/ flaws, just like you and I.

2. We should never give up on what's important to us. Along the way, we may find ourselves doing other things to get by and the dream takes a back seat, but Jo reminded me that we need to keep that dream or passion alive.  If it gives you joy, then find a way to keep it in your life. 

3. Kindness has POWER!  I was struck by this family that didn't have much, yet they found a way to give of what they had to help others. No matter our circumstances, we can always find a way to give the gift of kindness. 

I would love for these daily posts to be interactive as we share our life lessons taken from movies that only show up in our lives once a year. What does this movie teach you?



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