Group Coaching

Group coaching offers a terrific opportunity to receive coaching while benefiting from the successes, challenges and support of 6 to 8 other group participants. This makes group coaching an affordable and accessible option for everyone. In group coaching, I do not bring the content, but rather facilitate, taking cues from the group. 

Group coaching can be a offered to employees inside of an organization or to unacquainted individuals in a public program.


Corporate / Internal Group Coaching

Professional coaching for your employees, in a group setting.


Recent years have seen fewer dollars dedicated to learning and development; in addition, new approaches to talent development and retention have surfaced. From both a business case and an individual client perspective, there are numerous benefits to the addition of group coaching to your organization’s development program. The same skills used in individual coaching apply to group coaching. I would love to customize a group coaching program to meet your needs; this includes length of program, length of coaching sessions, size of group, frequency of sessions, topics or themes for group sessions- even a hybrid approach that includes group and individual coaching. Examples of corporate group coaching themes:

Career transitions
Emerging leaders
Work/life balance
Leading teams
Critical conversations
Finding purpose in your work

Public Group Coaching

Personal discovery, with the energy and advantages of a group setting. 


All people have times in their lives when they feel stuck or unhappy with the current state of life or are curious about whether life could be “more” than it is now. Sometimes these periods of discontent (or undefined opportunity) are related to a person’s job and their employer will pay for a coach, but more times than not, a person is left to figure it out on their own. Imagine the power of meeting with a group of others experiencing similar challenges in a trusting environment with a coach who guides you to do your own discovery work about yourself, your perspectives, your choices, and the cost/benefit of those choices on your life. Currently we offer a program called Intentional Discovery, a 1-day workshop utilizing the Insights Deeper Discovery tool. Alumni of the workshop are then invited to come together twice a year for a Continual Discovery group coaching session.

Public coaching groups can be formed around a common theme (see examples below) or randomly (brought together because the time and location is convenient with no particular theme) – either model works and works well. I would welcome the opportunity to start a public coaching group in Woodbury, MN, as well as exploring options for a virtual group. Virtual group coaching has most of the same benefits, with the added convenience of no travel time. I’d encourage you to consider this as a way to participate in a unique growth experience at a highly affordable cost! Review the topics below and contact me to discuss starting or joining an affinity group. All we need are 6 people to get started!

A personal breakthrough
Parenting challenges
Life balance
Women in business
Empty nesting
Aging parents
Second marriages
Re-entering the workforce
Looking to retirement – legacy
Feeling stagnant – stuck – “there must be more than this”
Finding purpose
Changing life circumstances